Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2009

Page no. 1094 of 1215       

Ramakrishna, S. Anantha
Physics and applications of negative refractive index materials / S. Anantha Ramakrishna, Tomasz M. Grzegorczyk
Bellingham (Washington) ; Boca Raton ; London - SPIE Press - CRC Press, c2009
Monographic text

Ramanathan, Jay
Co-engineering applications and adaptive business technologies in practice - enterprise service ontologies, models, and frameworks / Jay Ramanathan, Rajiv Ramnath
Hershey (etc.) - Information science reference, 2009
Monographic text

Ramazani, Jahan
A transnational poetic / Jahan Ramazani
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 2009
Monographic text

Ramo, Joshua Cooper
The age of the unthinkable - why the new World disorder constantly surprises us and what we can do about it / Joshua Cooper Ramo
New York ; Boston- Little Brown, 2009
Monographic text

Ramsay, James O.
Functional data analysis with R and Matlab / J. O. Ramsay, Giles Hooker, Spencer Graves
New York (etc.) - Springer, c2009
Monographic text

Rana, Kishan S.
Asian diplomacy - the foreign ministries of China, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand / Kishan S. Rana
Washington - Woodrow Wilson Center press ; Baltimore - Johns Hopkins University press, (2009)
Monographic text

Rand, Ann
I know a lot of things / by Ann & Paul Rand
San Francisco - Chronicle Books, 2009
Monographic text

Randall, Dale B.J.
Cervantes in Seventeenth-Century England - THe Tapestry Turned / Dale B.J. Randall and Jackson C. Boswell
New York - Oxford University press, 2009
Monographic text

Rankin, Ian
Dead souls / Ian Rankin
New York - Minotaur books, c2009
Monographic text

Rankin, Kyle
The Official ubuntu server book / Kyle Rankin, Benjamin Mako Hill
Upper Saddle River, NJ (etc.) - Prentice Hall, ©2009
Monographic text

Rankin, Monica A.
Mexico, la patria - Propaganda and production during World War 2. / Monica A. Rankin
Lincoln ; London - University of Nebraska, ©2009
Monographic text

Ransel, David L.
A Russian merchants tale - the life and adventures of Ivan Alekseevich Tolchenov, based on his diary / David L. Ransel
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana University press, c2009
Monographic text

Rao, Anupama
The caste question - Dalits and the politics of modern India / Anupama Rao
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, c2009
Monographic text

Rao, Hayagreeva
Market rebels - how activists make or break radical innovations / Hayagreeva Rao
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University Press, c2009
Monographic text

Raol, Jitendra R.
Flight mechanics modeling and analysis / Jitendra R. Raol, Jatinder Singh
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC, c2009
Monographic text

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