Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 660 of 1377       

1- Les reports des cases argue & adjuge in le temps del' Roy Edward le Second, et auxy memoranda del'exchequer en temps le Roy Edward le Primer. Solonq; les ancient manuscripts ore remanent en le maines de Sir Jehan' Maynard Chevaler, Serjeant de la Ley al sa tres excellent majesty le Roy Charles le Second. Ovesq; un perfect table des matters en les dits cafes de temps del'Roy Edward le Second, colligee per le mesme serjeant
Clark, N.J. - Lawbook Exchange, 2007
It's a part of > Year books, or, reports in the following reigns, with notes to Brooke and Fitzherbert's abridgments - the Vulgate edition of 1678-1680 / Sir John Maynard ; with a new introduction to each volume by D...
Monographic text

8- Les reports des cases contenus in les ans vingt premier, & apres en temps du Roy Henry le 6. communement appelles, the second part of Henry the sixth, novelment reviews & corriges in divers lieux. Avec une table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycel'. Auxi vous aves in cest' impression les cases icy referres aux abridgments de Brook & Fitzherbert
Clark, N.J. - Lawbook Exchange, 2007
It's a part of > Year books, or, reports in the following reigns, with notes to Brooke and Fitzherbert's abridgments - the Vulgate edition of 1678-1680 / Sir John Maynard ; with a new introduction to each volume by D...
Monographic text

10- Les reports des cases en les ans des Roys Edward 5. Richard 3. Henrie 7. & Henrie 8. touts qui par cy devant ont este publies. Or nouvellement imprime, corrige e revieue- ove plusieurs bonnes notes en la marge par tout le livre; qui referrent les cases al'abbregement de Brook, & autres livre des ans. Aussi avec plusieurs notes fort profitables or nouvellement addez en l'autre marge, referrantes aux autres reports, & livres del ley, & aussi aux mesmes livres des ans
Clark, N.J. - Lawbook Exchange, 2007
It's a part of > Year books, or, reports in the following reigns, with notes to Brooke and Fitzherbert's abridgments - the Vulgate edition of 1678-1680 / Sir John Maynard ; with a new introduction to each volume by D...
Monographic text

11- Les reports des cases en ley en le cinque an du Roy Edward le 4. communement appelle Long Quinto. Novelment imprimee & corrigee, ovesque references al brook; et un table perfect
Clark, N.J. - Lawbook Exchange, 2007
It's a part of > Year books, or, reports in the following reigns, with notes to Brooke and Fitzherbert's abridgments - the Vulgate edition of 1678-1680 / Sir John Maynard ; with a new introduction to each volume by D...
Monographic text

Reports of international arbitral awards / United Nations
New York - United Nations, 1948

Reports of the expedition to the Dead Sea plain, Jordan
Winona Lake, IN - published for the American schools of Oriental research by Eisenbrauns, 1989-
Monographic text

Representation and control of infinite dimensional systems / Alain Bensoussan ... (and others)
Boston (etc.) - Birkhäuser, (2007)
Monographic text

3- Representation, axiomatization, and invariance / R. Duncan Luce ... (and others)
Mineola, N.Y. - Dover, (2007)
It's a part of > Foundations of measurement / David H. Krantz ... et al.
Monographic text

Representations of political power - case histories from times of change and dissolving order in the ancient Near East / edited by Marlies Heinz and Marian H. Feldman
Winona Lake - Eisenbrauns, 2007
Monographic text

Representing masculinity - male citizenship in modern Western culture / edited by Stefan Dudink, Karen Hagemann, and Anna Clark
New York ; Basingstoke - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Monographic text

Representing youth - methodological issues in critical youth studies / edited by Amy L. Best
New York ; London - New York University press, c2007
Monographic text

Reproduction of marine Invertebrates / edited by Arthur C. Giese, John S. Pearse
New York ; San Francisco ; London - Academic press, 1974-
Monographic text

Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Cetacea - whales, dolphins and porpoises / volume edited by Debra L. Miller
Enfield, N. H. (etc.) - Science publishers
Monographic text

Reproductive biomechanics / Edited by David Elad ; Roger C. Young
Boston - Blackwell - New York academy of sciences, 2007
It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
Monographic text

Reproductive sciences
Vol. 14, n. 1, Jan. 2007

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