Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 385 of 1377       

Industrie et developpement / Organisation des Nations Unies pour le developpement industriel
New York - Nations Unies, 1979-

Industry and development - global report / United Nations Industrial Development organization
Vienna - UNIDO

Industry and firm studies / edited by Victor J. Tremblay and Carol Horton Tremblay
Armonk - Sharpe, c2007
Monographic text

Inequality, cooperation, and environmental sustainability / edited by Jean-Marie Baland, Pranab Bardhan, and Samuel Bowles
New York - Russell Sage Foundation ; Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University Press, c2007
Monographic text

Infant behavior and development - an international and interdisciplinary journal
Norwood, N.J. - Ablex Publishing ; (poi) New York - Elsevier, 1978-

Infant-Toddler intervention
San Diego, CA - Singular publishing group, 1991-

Infection and immunity - IAI
Baltimore (MD) - American society for microbiology, (©1970-

Infection control and hospital epidemiology - the official journal of the Society of hospital epidemiologists of America
Thorofare- Slack, c1988-

Infection management for geriatrics in long-term care facilities / edited by Thomas T. Yoshikawa ; Joseph G. Ouslander
New York - London - Informa healthcare, c2007
Monographic text

Infections of the head and neck / Anthony W. Chow
Philadelphia PA (etc.) - Saunders, 2007
It's a part of > Infectious disease clinics of North America
Monographic text

Infectious disease and therapy
New York, N.Y. - M. Dekker, (©1989-

Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology
New York - Parthenon,

New York - Marcel Dekker, 1978-

Infidelity - a practitioners guide to working with couples in crisis / edited by Paul R. Peluso
New York ; London - Routledge, c2007
Monographic text

Inflammation, hemostasis and blood conservation strategies / Jerrold H. Levy
Philadelphia PA (etc.) - Saunders, 2007
It's a part of > Hematology/oncology clinics of North America
Monographic text

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