Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 812 of 2709       

National primary and secondary drinking water regulations - sinthetic organic chemicals and inorganic chemicals / Environmental Protection Agency
(The place of publication is not referred) - (s.n.), 1990
Monographic text

National productivity review

The national research and education network (NREN) - research and policy perspectives / by Charles R. McClure ... (and others)
Syracuse - Syracuse University ; Noorwood - Ablex publ., 1991
Monographic text

National review
New York - National review, 1955-

National saving and economic performance / edited by B. Douglas Bernheim and John B. Shoven
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, ©1991
Monographic text

Vol. 19.- National security policy / editors William Klingaman, David S. Patterson, Ilana Stern
, 1990
It's a part of > Foreign relations of the United States - 1955-1957 / editor in chief John P. Glennon
Monographic text

National security strategy of the United States
Washington, D.C. - The White House, 1987-1991
Monographic text

National survey of problems and competencies among four- to sixteen-year-olds - parents' reports for normative and clinical samples / Thomas M. Achenbach ... (and others)
Chicago - The university of Chicago press, 1991
It's a part of > Monographs of the Society for research in child development
Monographic text

National tax journal / Published quarterly by the National tax association
Sacramento - National tax association, 1948-

National technical university - Faculty of civil engineering scientific papers
Athens - NTU, 1977-

National trade and professional associations of the United States
Washington (DC), 1971

The national union catalog - a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries / compiled by the Library of Congress with the cooperation of the American library association
Washington - The Library of Congress, 1956-

National union catalog of manuscript collections - based on reports from American repositories on manuscripts / Compiled by the Library of Congress with the advice of the advisory Committee on the National union catalog of manuscript collections under a grant from the Council on library resources
Ann Arbor, Michigan - J. W. Edwards, 1962-

Nationalism in the visual art / edited by Richard A. Etlin
Washington - National gallery of art, 1991
Monographic text

Nationalism in the visual arts / edited by Richard A. Etlin
Washington - National gallery of art, 1991
Monographic text

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