Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1988-1989

Page no. 1885 of 2484       

Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division
Library of Congress subject headings / prepared by Subject Cataloging Division Processing Services
Washington (D.C.) - Cataloging distribution service, Library of Congress, 1989
Monographic text

Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division
Subject headings / Library of Congress ; prepared by Subject Cataloguing Division, Processing Services
Washington - Library of Congress, 1989
Monographic text

Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division
Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress. Supplement ... To be used with the 5th edition and the July 1947-December 1949 and the January 1950-December 1951 cumulations / Library of Congress, Subject Cataloging Division
Washington - (s.n.), 1952
Monographic text

Library of Congress (Washington)
New serial titles - a union list of serials commencing publication after December 31, 1949
Washington - Library of Congress, 1953-

Licht, William
Air pollution control engineering - basic calculations for particulate collection / William Licht
New York ; Basel - Dekker, c1988
Monographic text

Lichtenberg, Joseph D.
Psychoanalysis and motivation / Joseph D. Lichtenberg ; with a contribution by June L. Hadley
Hillsdale (N.J.) - Analytic Press, c1989
Monographic text

Lichtmann, Maria R.
The contemplative poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins / Maria R. Lichtmann
Princeton (N.J.) - Princeton University press, c1989
Monographic text

Licklider, Roy E.
Political power and the Arab oil weapon - the experience of five industrial nations / Roy Licklider
Berkeley etc. - University of California, c1988
Monographic text

Liddicoat, Richard T.
Handbook of gem identification / by Richard T. Liddicoat
Santa Monica, Ca. - Gemological institute of America
Monographic text

Lidz, Theodore
Oedipus in the Stone Age - a psychoanalytic study of masculinization in Papua New Guinea / Theodore Lidz and Ruth Wilmanns Lidz, with the assistance of Harriette Dukeley Borsuch
Madison, Conn. - International Universities Press, c1989
Monographic text

Lieb, Michael
The sinews of Ulysses - form and convention in Milton's works / Michael Lieb
Pittsburgh, PA - Duquesne University Press, c1989
Monographic text

Lieberman, Ralph Eric
The church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli in Venice - New York University, 1972 / Ralph Eric Lieberman
Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989
Monographic text

Lieberman, Robbie
My song is my weapon - Peoples songs, American communism and the politics of culture, 1930-50 / Robbie Lieberman
Urbana & Chicago - University of Illinois press, 1989
Monographic text

Lieberman, Sima
The economic and political roots of the new protectionism / Sima Lieberman. - Totowa, N.J. - Rowman and Littlefield, (1988)
Monographic text

Liebermann, Lowell
Sonata for flute and piano, op. 23 / Lowell Liebermann
King of Prussia - Theodore Presser, ©1988

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