Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 675 of 1988       

The politics of human rights / edited by Paula R.Newberg
New York etc. - New York university press, copyr.1980
Monographic text

The politics of Japans energy strategy - resources-diplomacy-security / Ronald A. Morse, editor
Berkeley - Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, c1981
Monographic text

The politics of privacy - planning for personal data systems as powerful technologies / James Rule ... and others
New York etc. - Elsevier, c1980
Monographic text

The politics of regulation / James Q. Wilson editor
New York - Basic Books, 1980
Monographic text

Politique d'Israël en ce qui concerne les ressources en eau de la rive occidentale / étude établie à l'intention et sous la direction du Comité pour l'exercice des droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien
New York - Nations Unies, 1980
Monographic text

Polity - the journal of the Northeastern political science associations. -V. 1, n. 1 (Fall 1968)-
Amherst - University of Massachussetts press, 1968-

Pollen management handbook / edited by E. Carlyle Franklin
Washington, DC - USDA Forest Service, 1981
Monographic text

Polling on the issues / edited by Albert H. Cantril
Cabin John (MD) ; Washington - Seven Locks press, 1980
Monographic text

Pollution abstracts
V. 1 (Maggio 1970)-

13,3- Pollution and hydrology of surface and groundwater - selected reports / edited by George J. Halasi-Kun
New York etc. - Pergamon, c1981
It's a part of > Pollution and water resources - Columbia university seminar series / edited by George J. Halasi-Kun
Monographic text

Pollution control guide. Transfer binder - proposed regulations, 1974-1983 (pending 9-1-85)
Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1975-c1985
Monographic text

Pollution control technology for industrial wastewater / edited by D. J. De Renzo
Park Ridge - Noyes data corporation, 1981
Monographic text

Polyamines in biology and medicine / edited by David R. Morris, Laurence J. Marton
New York - M. Dekker, c1981
Monographic text

Polycrystalline and amorphous thin films and devices / edited by Lawrence L. Kazmerski
New York (etc.) - Academic Press, 1980
Monographic text

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water systems / authors David J. Futoma ... and others
Boca Raton (Florida) - CRC press, c1981
Monographic text

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