Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Televisione

Pagina nr. 528 di 733       

Guillamet, Jaume
Història de la premsa, la ràdio i la televisió a Catalunya (1641-1994) / Jaume Guillamet
Barcelona - La Campana, 1994
Testo Monografico

Guillien, Robert
La télévision en couleur / par Robert Guillien
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1965
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Guillou, Bernard
La regulation de la television / Berbard Guillou, Jean-Gustave Padioleau
Paris - La Documentation Francaise, c 1988
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Gulmanelli, Stefano
PopWar / Stefano Gulmanelli ; con la collaborazione di Arianna Dagnino
Milano - Apogeo, °2003
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Gunter, Barrie
Children and television / Barrie Gunter and Jill McAleer
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
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Gunter, Barrie
Children and television - the one eyed monster? / Barrie Gunter and Jill L McAleer
London ; New York - Routledge, 1990
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Gunter, Barrie
Childrens views about television / Barrie Gunter, Jill McAleer, Brian Clifford
Aldershot etc. - Avebury, ©1991
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Gunter, Barrie
Dimensions of television violence / Barrie Gunter
Aldershot - Gower, c1985
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Gunter, Barrie
Television and gender representation / Barrie Gunter
London - John Libbey, c1995
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Gunter, Barrie
Television and sex role stereotyping / Barrie Gunter
London - J. Libbey, c1986
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Gunter, Barrie
Television coverage of the 1983 general election - audiences, appreciation and public opinion / Barrie Gunter, Michael Svennevig and Mallory Wober
Aldershot Hants, England - Gower, 1986
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Gunter, Barrie
Violence on television - an analysis of amount, nature, location and origin of violence in British programmes / Barrie Gunter and Jackie Harrison
London etc. - Routledge, 1998
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Gunter, Barrie
Violence on television - distribution, form, context and themes / Barrie Gunter, Jackie Harrison, Maggie Wykes
Mahwah, N.J. ; London - LEA, 2003
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Gunther, Barrie
Seeing is believing - religion and television in the 1990s / Barrie Gunther and Rachel Viney
London (etc.) - J. Libbey, c 1994
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Gutierrez Espada, Luis
3- Radio y television - desde 1926 / Luis Gutierrez Espada
Madrid - Piramide, 1982
Incluso in > Historia de los medios audiovisuales / Luis Gutierrez Espada
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