Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Televisione

Pagina nr. 321 di 733       

Surveillance, closed circuit television and social control / edited by Clive Norris, Jade Moran, Gary Armstrong
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate, c1998
Testo Monografico

Survivor lessons - essays on communication and reality television / edited by Matthew J. Smith and Andrew F. Wood
Jefferson NC ; London - McFarland, c2003
Testo Monografico

The survivors' right to reply / Trudy Gold ... (ed altri)
Incluso in > Holocaust and the moving image - representations in film and television since 1933 / edited by Toby Haggith & Joanna Newman
Testo a stampa

Susy - il delitto di Siracusa / un programma di Carlo Lucarelli e di Paola De Martiis e Giuliana Catamo ; regia dei filmati- Stefano Chimisso
Novara - De Agostini ; (Roma) - Rai Trade, c2007

( Suzanna Leigh in anglo-french television show)
Roma - Dufoto, 1964
Documento di tipo grafico

Svelati i misteri - Stonehenge / (produttore-regista- Christopher Spencer
Roma - National geographic - Gruppo editoriale L'espresso, (2008

Svevo in televisione e da Radio Trieste
Udine - Industrie grafiche Del Bianco, 1978
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La svolta della TV - ordinamento, nuove tecnologie, programmi, audience / a cura di Jader Jacobelli
Roma etc. - Laterza, 1997
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Swiss films - this catalogue is a compendium of new Swiss films produced both for cinema and for television in 1994/95
Zurich - Swiss Film Center, 1995
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Swiss Films - this catalogue is a compendium of new Swiss films produced both for the cinema and for television in 1999/2000 / a joint publication of the Swiss Film Center and the Swiss Short Film Agency
Zurich - Swiss Film Center, 2000
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Swiss Films - this catalogue is a compendium of new Swiss films produced both for the cinema and for television in 2000/2001 / a joint publication of the Swiss Film Center and the Swiss Short Film Agency
Zurich - Swiss Film Center, 2001
Testo Monografico

Swiss Films - this catalogue is a compendium of new Swiss films produced both for the cinema and for television in 2001/2002 / a joint publication of the Swiss Film Center and the Swiss Short Film Agency
Zurich - Swiss Film Center, 2002
Testo Monografico

Sylvie Vartan, Johnny Hallyday
Paris - (s.n., 196.
Incluso in > Vedettes incognito - le mensuel des grands noms du Cinema et de la Television
Testo Monografico

Systemes de radio et television en Europe 2000/2001 / sous la direction scientifique du Hans-Bredow-Institut fur Medienforschung, Hamburg
Strasbourg - Observatoire europeen de l'audiovisuel, 2000
Testo Monografico

Systèmes de radio et télévision dans les Etats membres de l'Union européenne et en Suisse - Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemerk, Espagne, Finlande, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel
Hamburg - Hans-Bredow-Institut für Rundfunk und Fernsehen, 1998
Testo Monografico