Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 821 di 5130       

Marcum, John A.
2- Exile politics and guerrilla warfare - (1952-1976) / John A. Marcum
Cambridge (Mass.) - The MIT Press, 1978
Incluso in > The Angolan revolution / John A. Marcum
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Marcus, Alfred Allen
Promise and performance - choosing and implementing an environmental policy / Alfred A. Marcus
Westport etc. - Greenwood, 1980
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Marcus, Daniel
Happy days and wonder years - the fifties and the sixties in contemporary cultural politics / D. Marcus
New Brunswick - Rutgers University Press, 2004
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Marcus, E. George
Affective intelligence and political judgment / George, E. Marcus, W. Russell Neuman, Michael MacKuen
Chicago ; London - The university of Chicago press, c2000
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Marcus, George E.
Affective intelligence and political judgement / George E. Marcus, W. Russell Neuman, Michael MacKuen
Chicago (etc.) - Chicago University Press, 2000
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Marcus, George E.
Political psychology - neuroscience, genetics, and politics / George E. Marcus
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2013
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Marcus, George E.
The sentimental citizen - emotion in democratic politics / George E. Marcus
University Park - Pennsylvania state university press, c2002
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Marcus, Harold G.
Ethiopia, Great Britain, and the United States, 1941-1974 - the politics of empire / Harold G. Marcus
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California press, c1983
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Marcus, Harold G.
The politics of empire - Ethiopia, Great Britain and the United States, 1941-1974 / Harold G. Marcus
Lawrenceville - Red Sea press, 1995
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Marcus, Joseph
Social and political history of the Jews in Poland - 1919-1939 / Joseph Marcus
Berlin ; New York ; Amsterdam - Mouton Publishers, c1983
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Marcus, Joseph
Social and political history of the Jews in Poland - 1919-1939 / Joseph Marcus
Berlin etc. - Mouton, c1983
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Marcus, Leah Sinanoglou
The politics of mirth - Jonson, Herrick, Milton, Marvell, and the defence of old holiday pastimes / Leah S. Marcus
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, 1989
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Marcus, Lyn
Dialectical economics - an introduction to marxist political economy / Lyn Marcus
Lexington (Mass.) - Heath and Co., 1975
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Marcus, Millicent
The Italian body politic is a woman - feminized national identity in postwar Italian film / Millicent Marcus.
Incluso in > Sparks and seeds - medieval literature and its afterlife - essays in honor of John Freccero / edited by Dana E. Stewart and Alison Cornish ; with an introduction by Giuseppe Mazzotta
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Marcus, Robert D.
Grand old Party - political structure in the gildred age 1880 - 1896 / Robert D. Marcus
New York - Oxford Univ. Press, 1971
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