Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 1387 di 5334       

Budge, Ian
The new challenge of direct democracy / Ian Budge
Cambridge - Polity press, 1996
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Budge, Ian
Organizing democratic choice - party representation over time / Ian Budge ... (ed altri)
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2012
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Budge, Ian
Parties and democracy - coalition formation and government functioning in twenty states / Ian Budge and Hans Keman
Oxford etc. - Oxford University Press, 1990
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Budge, Ian
Scottish political behaviour - a case study in british homogeneity / Ian Bufge, Derek W. Urwin
London - Longmans, 1966
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Budillon, Eugenio
La direzione del personale tra politica e professionalita - excursus storico nelle aziende italiane dal 1945 ad oggi / Eugenio Budillon
Torino - Isper, 1992
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Budkevic, Sergej Leonidovic
Delo Zorge - sledstvie i sudebnyj process - ljudi, sobytija, dokumenty, fakty / Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato Budkevic
Moskva - Nauka, 1969
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Budovnic, Isaak Urielevic
Obscestvenno-politiceskaja mysl' drevnej Rusi - 11.-14. vv. / I. U. Budovnic
Moskva - Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1960
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Budowecz von Budowa, Adam
Adami Budoweci a Budowa De quaestione politica, an in eo, cui officium polticum committitur, aetas, genus, divitiae spectanda, oratio ... elaborata et ... publice recitata X. Calend. Juli Anno Christiano M. DC.V
Basileae - Typis Conradi Waldkirchii, (1605)
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Budrina, Agata Grigor'evna
Ural'skij plakat vremen graždanskoj vojny / A.G. Budrina
Perm' - Permskoe knižnoe izd., 1968
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Budryte, Dovile
Taming nationalism - Political community building in the post-soviet Baltic states / Dovile Budryte
Aldershot - Ashgate, c2005
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Budziszewski, J.
The nearest coast of darkness - a vindication of the politics of virtues / J. Budziszewski
Ithaca ; London - Cornell university, 1988
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Budziszewski, J.
The resurrection of nature - Political theory and the human character / J. Budziszewsky
Ithaca (NY) - Cornell University Press, 1986
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Budziszewski, J.
Evangelicals in the public square - four formative voices on political thought and action / J. Budziszewski ; with responses by David L. Weeks ... (ed altri) ; introduction by Michael Cromartie ; afterword by Jean Bethke Elshtain
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Baker Academic, c2006
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Buechler, Steven
Social movements in advanced capitalism - the political economy and cultural construction of social activism / Steven M. Buechler
Newn York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 2000
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Buehrer, Timothy
Computable general equilibrium models as tools for policy analysis in developing countries - some basic principles and an empirical application / by Timothy Buehrer and Filippo Di Mauro
Roma - Banca d'Italia, 1995
Incluso in > Temi di discussione del servizio studi / Banca d'Italia
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