Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Poesia (FUM-NOB)

Pagina nr. 599
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1589


Johnson, Anthony L.
Sign and structure in the poetry of T. S. Eliot / Anthony L. Johnson
Pisa - ETS, 1976
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Johnson, E. D. H.
The Alien vision of victorian poetry - sources of the poetic imagination in Tennison, Browning, and Arnold / by E. D. H. Johnson
Princeton, New Jersey
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Johnson, Francis R.
A critical bibliography of the works of Edmund Spenser - printed before 1700 / by Francis R. Johnson
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins Press, 1933
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Johnson, John William
Heelloy - modern poetry and songs of the Somali / John William Johnson
London - HAAN, 1996
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Johnson, Linton Kwesi
Facendo la storia e altre poesie / Linton Kwesi Johnson
Pisa - ETS, copyr. 1989
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Johnson, Margaret
Gerard Manley Hopkins and tractarian poetry / Margaret Johnson
(Aldershot) - Ashgate, c1997
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Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Vita di Richard Savage / Samuel Johnson ; a cura di Erminia Artese
Palermo - Sellerio, (1991)
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Johnson, Stacy
The voices of Matthew Arnold - an essay in criticism / by W. Stacy Johnson
New Haven - Yale U. P., 1961
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Johnson, Susan M.
The role of the refrain in Old French lyric poetry / Susan Marie Johnson
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, stampa 1994
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Johnson, Walter Ralph
Lucretius and the modern world / W. R. Johnson
London - Duckworth, 2000
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Johnston, Dillon
Irish poetry after Joyce / Dillon Johnston
Syracuse - Syracuse University Press, 1997
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Johnston, Fred
Canzoni con accompagnamento d'arpa / Fred Johnston ; a cura di Daniele Serafini
Faenza - Mobydick, 1996
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Johnston, John H.
English poetry of the first world war - a study in the evolution of lyric and narrative form / by John H. Johnston
Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton University Press, 1964
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Johnston, John H.
The poet and the city - studies in urban perspectives / John H. Johnston
Athens, Georgia - The University of Georgia Press, c1984
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Johnston, Kenneth R.
The hidden Wordsworth - poet, lover, rebel, spy / Kenneth R. Johnston
New York ; London, c1998
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