Bibliografia Mediol
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1955-1959

Pagina nr. 2168 di 2212       

Wesley, Edgar Bruce
Our United States - its history in maps - Adapted from the Our America wall maps ... / ed. by Edgard B. Wesley, and the American history wall maps ... ; ed. by Albert Bushnell Hart in collabor. with David Maydole Matteson and Herbert B. Bolton
Chicago - Denoyer-Geppert, 1956
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Wesley, John
Selections from the Journal of John Wesley / edited by Hugh Martin
London - SCM Press, 1955
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West, Edward Staunton
Textbook of biophysical chemistry / Edward Staunton West
New York - Macmillan Co., 1956
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West, Jessamyn
La legge del signore - romanzo / Jessamyn West
Milano - U. Mursia e C., 1957
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West, Mae
The autobiography of Mae West - goodness had nothing to do with it / Mae West
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, 1959
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West, Morris
L' avocat du diable - roman / Morris L. West ; traduit de l'americain par Cécile Messadié
Paris - Plon, 1959
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West, Ray B.
Il racconto in America - 1900-1950 / Ray B. West, Jr
Roma - Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 1955
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West, Rebecca
La fontana degli Aubrey - romanzo...
Milano - Sugar ed., 1958
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Westphal, Wilhelm H.
Die Relativitätstheorie - ihre Grundtatsachen und ihre Bewährung als Wegweiser der Forschung / Wilhelm H. Westphal
Stuttgart - Franckh'sche verlagshandlung, 1955
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Weyer, Edward (jr.)
Peuples primitifs d'aujourd'hui / par Edward Weyer jr
Paris - Horizons de France, 1959
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Weyer, Edward (jr.)
Primitive peoples today / by Edward Weyer ; illustrated with 212 photographs and 14 maps
New York - Doubleday, °19..
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Weyl, Hermann
Temps, espace, matiere - lecons sur la theorie de la relativite' generale / H. Weyl ; traduites sur la quatrieme edition allemande par Gustave Juvet et Robert Leroy
Paris - Albert Blanchard, 1958
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Weyman, Stanley John
Un gentiluomo di Francia / John Stanley Weyman ; riduzione di Decio Pettoello
Torino - G. B. Paravia e C., c1957
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Weyman, Stanley John
Sotto il manto Rosso / John Stanley Weyman ; riduzione di Decio Pettoello
Torino - G. B. Paravia e C., c.1957
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Weymar, Paul
Adenauer - con 35 fotografie / Paul Weymar
Milano - Garzanti, 1956
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