Bibliografia Mediol
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1940-1949

Pagina nr. 1375 di 2293       

Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens
1- Storia antica e medievale / H. A. L. Fisher
Bari - G. Laterza, 1948
Incluso in > Storia d'Europa / H. A. L. Fisher
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Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens
Storia d'Europa / H. A. L. Fisher
Bari - Laterza, 1948
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Fisher, Irving
L' illusione monetaria / Irving Fisher
(Milano) - Garzanti, 1948
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Fisher, Lois
You and the United Nations / written and illustrated by L. Fisher
Chicago - Children Press, 1947
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Fisher, M. H.
Effects of mixing, salt, and consistency on extensograms / M. H. Fisher, T. R. Aitken, John Ansel Anderson
St. Paul - Cereal Chemistry, 1949
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Fisher, Mary Frances Kennedy
How to cook a wolf / Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher
Cleveland ; New York - The World Publishing, 1942
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Fisher, Ronald A.
The design of experiments / by Ronald A. Fisher
Edinburgh ; London - Oliver and Boyd, 1947
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Fisher, Ronald A.
Les methodes statistiques adaptees a la recherche scientifique / R. A. Fisher ; traduit sur la dixieme edition anglais, revue et augmentee par Ivan Bertrand
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1947
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Fisher, Ronald A.
Metodi statistici ad uso dei ricercatori / R. A. Fisher ; traduzione di Michelangelo Giorda ; prefazione di Francesco Brambilla
Torino - Utet, Unione Tip. Ed. Torinese, 1948 (Tip. V. Bona)
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Fisher, Ronald A.
Statistical methods for research workers / by R. A. Fisher
Edinburgh - Oliver and Boyd, 1944
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Fisher, Vardis
Adam and the Serpent / by Vardis Fisher
New York - The Vanguard Press, 1947
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Fisher, Vardis
Darkness and the deep / by Vardis Fisher
New York - The Vanguard Press, 1943
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Fisher, Vardis
The Divine Passion / by Vardis Fisher
New York - The Vanguard Press, 1948
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Fisher, Vardis
The golden rooms / by Vardis Fisher
New York - the Vanguard Press, 1944
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Fisher, Vardis
Intimation of Eve / by Vardis Fisher
New York - the Vanguard Press, 1946
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