Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Internet

Pagina nr. 409 di 410       

Ziliani, Cristina
E-marketing - direct, database e internet marketing / Cristina Ziliani
Milano - McGraw-Hill, 2001
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Zimmerling, Juergen
Schutz vor Rechtsproblemen im Internet - Handbuch fuer Unternehmen / Juergen Zimmerling, Ulrich Werner
Berlin (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, 2001
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Zimmerman, Jan
Marketing on the internet / Jan Zimmerman
Gulf Breeze (FL) - Maximum press, 1999
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Zimmerman, Jan
Marketing on the Internet / Jan Zimmerman and Michael Mathiesen
Gulf Breeze (FL) - Maximum Press, 1998
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Zincone, Andrea
Hosting attivo e violazione del copyright- cosa cambia nella responsabilità dell'internet provider / Andrea Zincone.
Incluso in > Il diritto di autore - rivista giuridica trimestrale della Societa italiana degli autori ed editori
Testo a stampa

Zip (gruppo di lavoro)
Hot web - guida ai siti alternativi e radicali su Internet / .Zip
Roma - Castelvecchi, 1997
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Zittrain, Jonathan
The future of the Internet - And how to stop it / Jonathan Zittrain ; with a new foreword by Lawrence Lessig
London (etc.) - Penguin Books, c2009
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Zittrain, Jonathan
The future of the Internet - and how to stop it / Jonathan Zittrain ; with a new foreword by Lawrence Lessig and a new preface by the author
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 2008
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Zittrain, Jonathan
The future of the Internet and how to stop it / Jonathan Zittrain
New Haven (Conn.) ; London - Yale University Press, c2008
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Zivec, Goran
Il ruolo commerciale di Internet - prospettive in un'ottica di Marketing - tesi di laurea in marketing / laureando- Goran Zivec ; relatore- Claudio Sambri
Trieste - Universita degli Studi, 1997-1998
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Zocchi, Paolo
Internet - la democrazia possibile - come vincere la sfida del digital divide / Paolo Zocchi
Milano - Guerini, 2003
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Zook, Matthew A.
The geography of the internet industry - venture capital, dot-coms, and local knowledge / Matthew A. Zook
Malden (etc.) - Blackwell, 2005
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Zoppetti, Antonio
Blog. PerQueneau - la scrittura cambia con Internet / Antonio Zoppetti
Roma - L. Sossella editore, °2003
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Zuliani, Luiz Gustavo
Intelligent network infrastructures - new functional perspectives on leveraging future internet services - tesi di dottorato di ricerca / Luiz Gustavo Zuliani ; relatori- Stefano Giordano, Franco Russo
(Pisa), 2011
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Zwicky, Elizabeth D.
Building internet firewalls / Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper & D. Brent Chapman
Beijing etc. - O'Reilly, 2000
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