Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 1800 di 6414       

Film posters of the 40s - the essential movies of the decade from the Reel Poster gallery collection / ed. by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Koln - Taschen, c2005
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Film posters of the 50s - the essential movies of the decade from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / ed. by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Koln - Taschen, c2005
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Film posters of the 50s - the essential movies of the decade from the reel poster gallery collection / edited by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
London- Aurum Press, 2000
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Film posters of the 60s - the essential movies of the decade - from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / edited by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
London - Aurum Press, 1997
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Film posters of the 60s - the essential movies of the decade from the Reel poster gallery collection / ed. by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Koln - Taschen, c2005
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Film posters of the 70s - the essential movies of the decade - from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / edited by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
London - Aurum Press, 1998
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Film posters of the 70s - the essential movies of the decade from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / ed. by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Koln - Tasche, c2005
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Film posters of the 80s - the essential movie of the decade - from the Reel Poster Gallery collection / edited by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
London - Aurum Press, 2001
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Film posters of the 80s - the essential movies of the decade from the Reel Posters Gallery collection / ed. by Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh
Koln - Taschen, c2005
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Le film pour enfants
(Venise) - Aux Soins De La Direction De L'exposition Internationale D'art Cinematografique, 1951 (Roma, Soc. Pol. Commerciale)
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Le film pour enfants / aux soins de la direction
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), stampa 1951 (Roma - Poligrafica commerciale)
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Film premiati al 17. festival internazionale del film pubblicitario - Venezia 1970
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Sipra, (1970 (Torino - Italgrafica)
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Film presentati al 7. festival internazionale film della montagna e dell'esplorazione - cittą di Trento - 6-12 ottobre 1958
(Trento ) - s.e., (1958 ) (Trento - Temi)
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Film preservation 1993 - a study of the current state of American film preservation - report of the librarian of Congress
Washington - Library of Congress, 1993
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The film preservation guide - the basics for archives, libraries, and museums
San Francisco, Calif. - National Film Preservation Foundation, c2004
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