Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 2259 di 5950       

The economic theory of invention and innovation / edited by Albert N. Link
Cheltenham ; Northampton - Elgar, c2008
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Economic theory of optimal population / Klaus F. Zimmermann (ed.) ; with contributions by Zvi Eckstein ... ed altri
Berlin etc. - Springer, copyr. 1989
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The economic theory of structure and change / edited by Mauro Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1990
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The economic theory of structure and change / edited by Mauro Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri
Padova - Facolta' di Scienze Statistiche, (1990?)
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Economic theory underlying adjustment policies in Arab countries - survey of theoretical and empirical evidence / edited by Jamil Tahir
Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier, 1997
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economic theory, dynamics, and markets - essays in Honor of Ryuzo Sato / edited by Takashi Negishi
Boston - Kluwer, c2001
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Economic theory, political power and social justice - Festschrift Kazimierz Laski / edited by Gehard Fink, Gunther Poll and Martin Riese
Wien ; New York - Springer, 1987
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Economic theory, welfare and the state - essays in honour of John C. Weldon / edited by Athanasios Asimakopulos, Robert D. Cairns and Christopher Green
Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan, 1990
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Economic thought - a historical anthology / edited by James A. Gherity
New York - Random House, ©1965
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Economic thought and modernization in Japan / edited by Shiro Sugihara and Toshihiro Tanaka
Cheltenham ; Northampton - E. Elgar, c1998
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Economic thought and political theory / edited by David Reisman
Boston etc. - - Kluwer, c1994
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Economic thought in communist and post-communist Europe / edited by Hans-Jurgen Wagener
London ; New York - Routledge, 1998
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Economic thought in early modern Japan / edited by Bettina Gramlich-Oka, Gregory Smits
Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2010
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Economic thought in the Netherlands - 1650-1950 / edited by J. Van Daal, A. Heertje
Aldershot etc. - Avebury, c1992
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Economic thought in the Netherlands- 1650-1950 / edited by J. Van Daal, A. Heertje
Aldershot (etc.) - Avebury, c1992
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