Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Ecologia

Pagina nr. 748 di 1133       

Hough, Michael
Naturaleza y ciudad - planificacion urbana y procesos ecologicos / Michael Hough
Barcelona - G. Gili, 1998
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Houston, Alasdair
Models of adaptive behaviour / Alasdair Houston and John McNamara
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1999
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Houtart, François
Agrofuels - big profits, ruined lives and ecological destruction / François Houtart ; translated by Victoria Bawtree ; with the collaboration of Bosco Bashangwa Mpozi, Bienvenue Lutumba Bukassa and Geoffrey Geuens ; foreword by Walden Bello
London ; New York - Pluto, 2010
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Howard, John A.
Aerial photo-ecology / John A. Howard
London - Faber and Faber, c1970
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Howard, Leland Ossian
Perché l'agricoltura inquina - il problema degli insetti all'alba dell'agricoltura industriale / L. O. Howard ; presentazione di Giorgio Celli
Padova - F. Muzzio, 1989
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Howe, Henry F.
Ecological relationships of plants and animals / Henry F. Howe, Lynn C. Westley
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1988
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Howe, Henry F.
Piante e animali - rapporti ecologici ed evolutivi / Henry F. Howe, Lynn C. Westley
Padova - F. Muzzio, 1996
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Howell, Dorothy J.
Ecology for environmental professionals / Dorothy J. Howell
Westport, Conn. - Quorum Books, 1994
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Howkins, John
Creative Ecologies - where thinking is a proper job / John Howkins
New Brunswick ; London - Transaction, 2010
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Hoy, Ken
Strange scavenging creatures / text by Ken Hoy ; illustrations by Isabel Bowring ; paper engineering by Ruth Mawdsley
London - Brown Wells and Jacobs Ltd., c1994
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Hoy, Terry
Toward a naturalistic political theory - Aristotle, Hume, Dewey, evolutionary biology and deep ecology / Terry Hoy
Westport (Con.) - Praeger, 2000
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Hritonenko, Natali
Mathematical modeling in economics, ecology and the environment / by Natali Hritonenko and Yuri Yatsenko
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluver, c1999
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Hritonenko, Natali
Mathematical modeling in economics, ecology and the environment / Natali Hritonenko, Yuri Yatsenko
New York (etc.) - Springer, 2014
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Huber, Franz
Bruckenschlag vom Verharlten zur Nervenzelle / von Franz Huber . Spionage im Tierreich / Martin Lindauer . Physik und die Erscheinung des Lebendingen / Heinz Penzlin
Mainz - Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur ; Stuttgart ; New York - Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1991
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Huber, Joseph
L' innocenza perduta dell'ecologia - nuove tecnologie e superindustrializzazione / Joseph Huber
Milano - Edizioni di Comunità, 1984
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