Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Ecologia

Pagina nr. 656 di 1133       

Sintesi dei risultati delle indagini svolte dall'ENEL sugli ecosistemi costieri italiani
//Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , 198. //
Testo Monografico

Enloe, Cynthia
Politics of pollution in a comparative perspective - ecology and power in four nations / Cynthia H. Enloe
New York - David McKay company, 1975
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Ennion, Eric
Tracce d'animali / Eric Ennion, Niko Tinbergen
Bologna - Zanichelli, 1978
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Enquist, Magnus
Neural networks and animal behavior / Magnus Enquist, Stefano Ghirlanda
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton university press, c2005
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Ente nazionale per l'energia elettrica - Centro di ricerca termica e nucleare
Ricerche naturalistiche nell'area del delta padano interessata dalla costruenda centrale di Porto Tolle - relazione riassuntiva annuale, ottobre 1978-ottobre 1979 / Enel, Centro di ricerca termica e nucleare
Milano - ENEL, 1981
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Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
Contribucion a la critica de la ecologia politica / Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Puebla - Universidad autonoma de Puebla, Escuela de filosofia y letras, 1976
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Ephron, Larry
The end - the imminent ice age & how we can stop it / Larry Ephron
Berkeley, California - Celestian arts, c1988
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Equipe ecologie et anthropologie des societes pastorales
Pastoral production and society - proceedings of the international meeting on nomadic pastoralism, Paris 1-3 Dec. 1976 / edited by Equipe ecologie et anthropologie des societes pastorales
Cambridge (etc.) - University Press ; Paris - Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, c1979
Testo Monografico

Erard, Christian
Ecologie et comportement des gobe-mouches (Aves- Muscicapinae, Platysteirinae, Monarchinae) du Nord-Est du Gabon / Christian Erard
Paris - Editions du Museum, 1987-1990
Incluso in > Memoires du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Serie A, Zoologie
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Ercoskun, Ozge Yalciner
Green and ecological technologies for urban planning - creating smart cities / Ozge Yalciner Ercoskun
Hershey - Information Science Reference, 2012
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Erdtman, Gunnar
Handbook of palynology - morphology-taxonomy-ecology - an introduction to the study of pollen grains and spores / by G. Erdtman ; partly compiled in collaboration with members of the staff of the laboratory (J. Praglowski, S. Nilsson, Anita Dunbar) and visiting scientists in the years 1948-1968
Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1969
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Ericksen, Ephraim Gordon
The territorial experience - human ecology as symbolic interaction / by E. Gordon Ericksen ; foreword by Herbert Blumer
Austin ; London - University of Texas, 1980
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Erickson, Frederick
Talk and social theory - ecologies of speaking and listening in everyday life / Frederick Erickson
Malden - Polity, ©2004
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Eriksson, Ralf
Elements of ecological economics / Ralf Eriksson and Jan Otto Andersson.- London ; New York - Routledge, 2010
xi, 164 p. ; 24 cm.
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Eriksson, Sture
Experience and veridical space perception - An ecological experiment / Sture Eriksson, Per Zetterberg
Uppsala - University of Uppsala, 1975
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