Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Computer

Pagina nr. 792 di 1129       

Karam, Gerald M.
Principles of computer systems / Gerald M. Karam, John C. Bryant
Englewood Cliffs (NJ) - Prentice Hall, c1992
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Karayanakis, Nicholas M.
Computer-assisted simulation of dynamic systems with block diagram languages / Nicholas M. Karayanakis
Boca Raton etc. - CRC, c1993
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Karnow, Curtis E. A.
Future codes - essays in advanced computer technology and the law / Curtis E. A. Karnow
Boston ; London - Artech House, c1997
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Karplus, Walter J.
On-line computing- time-shared man-computer systems / Edited by Walter J. Karplus
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1967
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Kasenow, Michael
Production well analysis - new methods and computer program in well hydraulics / Michael Kasenow, Ph. D
Highlands Ranch - Water Resources Publications, 1996
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Kasenow, Michael
Theis made easy - new methods and a computer program in well hydraulics / by Michael Kasenow
Higlands Ranch, Colorado - Water resources pubblications, c1995
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Kasten, Donald G.
Development of a computer program for modeling for modeling of magnetic fields in high voltage ac substations / Donald G. Kasten, Stephen A. Sebo, Ross Caldecott
New Orleans - Mississipi State University, 1989
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Kastendiek, Antonia
Computer und Ethik statt Computerethik / Antonia Kastendiek ; mit einem Geleitwort von Josef Weizenbaum
Münster - Lit, c2003
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Katevenis, Manolis G. H.
Reduced instruction set computer architectures for VLSI / Manolis G. H- Katevenis
Cambridge, Mass. - MIT, 1988
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Katsanis, Theodore
A computer program for calculating velocities and streamlines for two-dimensional, incompressible flow in axial blade rows / by Theodore Katsanis
Washington - NASA, 1967
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Katsanis, Theodore
Computer program for calculating velocities and streamlines on a blade-to-blade stream surface of a turbomachine / by Theodore Katsanis
Washington - NASA, 1968
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Kattan, Peter Issa
Damage mechanics with finite elements - practical applications with computer tools / P. I. Kattan, G. Z. Voyiadjis
Berlin - Springer, c2002
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Katz, Gabriel
The shape of algebra in the mirrors of mathematics - a visual, computer-aided exploration of elementary algebra and beyond / Gabriel Katz, Vladimir Nodelman
Singapore - World Scientific, c2012
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Katz, J. H.
AFIPS Conference proceedings. Volume 24. 1963 Fall Joint computer conference / (scri ti di) J. H. Katz ... (ed altri)
Baltimore - Spartan Books, 1963
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Katz, Martin R
The Buddha and the computer - career guidance in Taiwan / Martin R. Katz
Princeton - Educational Testing Service, 1985
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