Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Astronomia

Pagina nr. 553 di 1067       

ESO CERN ESA symposium (1. ; Garching ; 2002)
Astronomy, cosmology and fundamental physics - proceedings of the ESO-CERN-ESA symposium held in Garching, Germany, 4-7 March 2002 / P. A. Shaver, L. DiLella, A. Gimenez (eds.)
Berlin ; Heidelberg - Springer, c2003
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ESO conference and workshop proceedings (25. ; 1986 ; Haute-Provence, France)
The optimization of the use of CCD detectors in astronomy - ESO-OHP conference and workshop proceedings No. 25, held at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, 17-19 june 1986 / edited by J.-P. Baluteau and S. D'Dodorico
(Garching-bei-Munchen - European Southern Observatory), december 1986
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ESO conference and workshop proceedings (43. ; 1992 ; Haguenau ; France)
Astronomy from large databases 2. - ESO conference and workshop proceedings 43, (held in) Haguenau, 14-16 September 1992 / edited by A. Heck and F. Murtagh
(Garching bei Munchen - European Southern Observatory, c 1992)
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ESO OSA meeting on Astronomy with adaptive optics (1998 ; Sonthofen)
Astronomy with Adaptive Optics - present results and future programs - proceedings (of) ESO/OSA Topical Meeting - European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Munchen, Germany, September 7-11, 1998, Sonthofen / edited by D. Bonaccini
Garching - ESO, c1999
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ESO-CERN (Bologna ; 1988)
Astronomy, cosmology and fundamental physics - proceedings of the 3. ESO-CERN symposium, held in Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo, May 16-20, 1988 / edited by Michele Caffo ... (ed altri)
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c. 1989
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ESO-CERN symposium (2 ; 1986 ; Garching bei Munchen, Germany)
Cosmology, astronomy and fundamental physics- *second ESO-CERN symposium - ESO, Garching bei Munchen, 17-21 march 1986 - proceedings / edited by G. Setti and L. Van Hove
Garching bei Munchen (F.R.G.) - European Southern Observatory, c1986
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Espieres, Jean d'
Calendarium romanum nouum & astronomia aquicinctina. Cum noua, ac facili methodo inueniendi characteres omnes temporum- cuiusmodi sunt motus Solis, Lunae, Veneris, Mercurij ed altriorum planetarum in nouiluniis, pleniluniis, et quadraturis ... Auctore d. Ioanne d'Espieres ...
Duaci - typis Laurentij Kellami, sub signo Agni Paschalis, 1657
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Espinosa y Tello, José
Memorias sobre las observaciones astronomicas, hechas por los navegantes espanoles en distintos lugares del globo; las quales han servido de fundamento para la formacion de las cartas de marear publicadas por la direccion de trabajos hidrograficos de Madrid- ordenadas por don Josef Espinosa y Tello ... Tomo 1. (-2)
Madrid - en la Imprenta Real, 1809
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Esposito, Amedeo
la cultura rinacque sul Gran Sasso / Amedeo Esposito
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Esposito, Antonella
La tecnica DPAA (Deep proton activation analysis) - un innovativo metodo per la caratterizzazione del corpo di monete antiche / Antonella Esposito ; coordinatore- F. Riggi ; tutor- F. Rizzo
(Catania, 2005)
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Esposito, Salvatore
La raccolta ragionata dei dati e delle informazioni per la gestione, la manutenzione ed il monitoraggio dei beni culturali architettonici / Salvatore Esposito ; relatore- Fulvio Rinaudo ; co-relatore- Emanuele Romeo
(Torino, 2013)
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Esposizione generale italiana (1884 ; Torino)
Catalogo ufficiale della mostra di astronomia, fisica terrestre, metereologia / Esposizione generale italiana in Torino 1884
Torino - Unione tipografico-editrice, 1884
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Estève, Pierre (1720-179.)
Histoire generale et particuliere de l'astronomie. Par m. Estève, de la société royale des Sciences de Montpellier. Tome premier (-troisiéme
A Paris - chez Ch. Ant. Jombert, imprimeur-libraire du roi pour l'Artillerie, rue Dauphine, à l'Image Notre-Dame, 1755
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Ettore Majorana international centre for scientific culture - Advanced School of astronomy
Stellar nucleosynthesis - proceedings of the third workshop of the advanced school of astronomy of the Ettore Majorana centre for scientific culture, Erice, Italy, May 11-12, 1983 / edited by Cesare Chiosi and Alvio Renzini
Dordrecht (etc.) - D. Reidel, c 1984
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Euclids Phaenomena - a translation and study of a hellenistic treatise in spherical astronomy / J. L. Berggren and R. S. D. Thomas
New York ; London, 1996
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