Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni su:
America (dal 1990)

Pagina nr. 123
1-10- 20-30- 40-50- 60-70- 80-90- 100-110- 120-130- 140-150- 160-168


Linee programmatiche per una politica sul "gioco responsabile" / a cura di Riccardo Zerbetto. - In Percorsi di integrazione. . - A. 11, n.1 (est. 2002), p. 46-50

Melzer-Lange, Marlene D. . Violence and associated high-risk health behavior in adolescents - substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy of adolescents / Marlene D. Melzer-Lange. - (S.l. - s.n., 2000). - 10 p. ; 29 cm

Alcohol - the development of sociological perspectives on use and abuse / edited by Paul M. Roman. - New Brunswick - Publication division, Rutgers Center of alcoholic studies, c1991. - XIV, 391 p. ; 24 cm. - (Alcol, culture and social control monograph. series ; 2)

United States - Substance abuse and mental health administration - Office of applied studies . Driving after drug or alcohol use - findings from the 1996 National household survey on drug abuse / Office of applied studies. - (Rockville) - Dept. of health and human services-Substance abuse and mental health services administration ; (Washington) - Dept. of transportation-National highway traffic safety administration, 1998. - XII, 102 p. - ill. ; 28 cm. - (Analytic series ; A-8)

Kinney, Jean - Leaton, Gwen . Understanding alcohol / Jean Kinney, Gwen Leaton ; illustrated by Stuart Copans. - 2nd ed.. - St. Louis - Mosby year book, c1992. - XVII, 268 p. - ill. ; 24 cm

Giordano, Andrea . Il trucco c'è, ma non si vede / di Andrea Giordano. - In Narcomafie . - A. 24, n. 138 (2003), p. 43-44

Self-generated alcohol outcomes in 8th and 10th graders - exposure to vicarious sources of alcohol information / Jennifer B. Zogg ... (ed altri). - In Addictive behaviors - an international journal . - V. 29, n. 1 (2004), p. 3-16

Engels, Rutger C. M. E. - Knibbe, Ronald A. - Drop, Maria J. . Visiting public drinking palces - an explorative study into the functions of pub-going for late adolescents - ecology of substance use / Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Ronald A. Knibbe and Maria J. Drop. - (S.l. - s.n., 1999). - 12 p. ; 29 cm

Wolfson, Mark - Hourigan, Mary . Unintended consequences and professional ethics - criminalization of alcohol and tobacco use by youth and young adults / Mark Wolfson & Mary Hourigan. - (S.l. - s.n., 1997). - 5 p. ; 29 cm

Grube, Joel W. . Preventing sales of alchol to minors - results from a community trial - section II - prevention components and results / Joel W. Grube. - (S.l. - s.n., 1997). - 4 p. ; 29 cm

The influence of race and religion on abstinence from alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana among adolescents / John M. Wallace, JR ... (ed altri). - In Journal of studies on alcohol . - V. 64, n.6 (2003), p. 843-848

Breslow, Rosalind A. - Faden, Vivian - Smothers, Barbara . Alcohol consumption by elderly Americans / Rosalind A. Breslow, Vivian B. Faden, Barbara Smothers. - In Journal of studies on alcohol . - V. 64, n. 6 (2003), p. 884-892

Giarelli, Guido . Il malessere della medicina - un confronto internazionale / Guido Giarelli ; prefazione di Rosy Bindi ; contributi di A. Maturo e S. Florindi. - Milano - Franco Angeli, c2003. - 504 p. ; 23 cm. - (Salute e società. Teoria metodologia / collana diretta da Costantino Cipolla)

Diego, Miguel A. . Academic performance, popularity, and depression predict adolescent substance use / Miguel A. Diego, Tiffany M. Field, Christopher E. Sanders. - (S.l - s.n., 2003). - 8 p. ; 23 cm

Dimensions of religiosity and their relationship to lifetime psychiatric and substance use disorders / Kenneth S. Kendler ...(ed altri). - (S.l. - s.n., 2003). - (8 p.) ; 28 cm

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