Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni su:
America (dal 1990)

Pagina nr. 83
1-10- 20-30- 40-50- 60-70- 80-90- 100-110- 120-130- 140-150- 160-168


Sorge, Friedrich Adolf (1828-1906(" . Joseph Weydemeyer - il suo contributo al movimento operaio tedesco degli anni Quaranta e a quello americano degli anni Cinquanta / di Friedrich Adolph Sorge. - In Joseph Weydemeyer - pioniere del socialismo in America - 1851-1866 / Karl Obermann . - p. XXI-XXXII

Weydemeyer, Joseph (1818-1866(" . 1844- 1845 - gli esordi da giornalista nel carteggio nel carteggio con l'editore Walthr / (Joseph Weydemeyer). - In Joseph Weydemeyer - pioniere del socialismo in America - 1851-1866 / Karl Obermann . - p. 37-46

Weydemeyer, Joseph (1818-1866(" . Il movimento per le otto ore / di J. Weydemeyer. - In Joseph Weydemeyer - pioniere del socialismo in America - 1851-1866 / Karl Obermann . - p. 199-206

Weydemeyer, Joseph (1818-1866(" . Il tenente colonnello Joseph Weydemeyer - corrispondenza militare / di J. Weydemeyer. - In Joseph Weydemeyer - pioniere del socialismo in America - 1851-1866 / Karl Obermann . - p. 235-250

Naison, Mark . Remaking America - Communists and Liberals in the Popular Front / Mark Naison. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 15-44

Gerassi, John . The Comintern, the Fronts, and the CPUSA / John Gerassi. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 75-90

Leberstein, Stephen . Purking the Profs - The Rapp Coudert Committee in New York, 1940-1942 / Stephen Leberstein. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 91-122

Schrecker, Ellen . McCarthysm and the Decline of American Communism, 1945-1960 / Ellen Schrecker. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 123-140

Baxandall, Rosalyn . The Question Seldom Asked - Women and the CPUSA / Rosalyn Baxandall. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 141-162

Keeran, Roger . The Communist Influence on American Labor / Roger Keeran. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 163-198

Rubinstein, Annette ("T(eta)(") ()1910-2007(" . The Cultural World of the Communist Party - An Historical Overview / Annette T. Rubinstein. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 239-260

Gettleman, Marvin E. . The New York Workers School, 1923-1944 - Communist Education in American Society / Marvin E. Gettleman. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (et al.) . - p. 261-280

Wald, Alan . Culture and Commitment - U. S. Communist Writers Reconsidered / Alan Wald. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 281-306

Green, Gil (1906-1997(" - Stephanson, Anders . Interview with Gil Green / Anders Stephanson. - In New studies in the politics and culture of U.S. communism / edited by Michael E. Brown... (ed altri) . - p. 307-326

Sardar, Ziauddin - Davies, Merryl Wyn . Perche il mondo detesta l' America ? / Ziauddin Sardar, Merryl Wyn Davies ; traduzione di Bruno Amato. - Milano - Feltrinelli, 2003. - 203 p. ; 21 cm. - (Nuova serie Feltrinelli)

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