Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1548 di 7048       

Fulbright, J. William
The crippled giant - American foreign policy and its domestic consequences / (by) J. William Fulbright
New York - Random House, 1972
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Fulbright, J. William
Vecchi miti e nuove realta / J. William Fulbright ; traduzione dall'americano di Elena Vaccari Spagnol
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1965
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Fulbright, J. William
Vecchi miti e nuove realtà / J. William Fulbright
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1964
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Fulbright, J. William
The Vietnam fallout - statement by senator J. W. Fulbright before the Bureau of advertising of the American newspaper publishers Association - Hotel Waldorf Astoria, New York City, April 28, 1966
Woodmont, Conn. - Promoting enduring peace, 1966
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Fulcoius - Bellovacensis
Fulcoii Beluacensis utriusque De nuptiis Christi et ecclesiae libri septem - edited from the manuscripts with introduction and notes - a dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and sciences of the Catholic University of America in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy / by Sister Mary Isaac Jogues Rousseau
Washington, D. C. - Catholic University of America Press, 1960
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Fulda, Ludwig
Amerika und Deutschland wahrend des Weltkrieges / von Ludwig Fulda
Dresden etc. - Globus, 1916
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Fulenwider, Claire Knoche
Feminism in American politics - a study of ideological influence / Claire Knoche Fulenwider
New York - Praeger, 1980
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Fulford, Margaret Hannah
The genus Bazzania in Central and South America / by Margaret Fulford
Waltham, Mass. - Chronica Botanica Co., 1946
Incluso in > Annales cryptogamici et phytopathologici - (incorporating Annales bryologici)
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Fulford, Tim
Romantic Indians - Native Americans, British literature, and transatlantic culture, 1756-1830 / Tim Fulford
Oxford - Oxford University press, c2006
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Fulkerson, Frank B.
Trends and outlook in the Pacific Northwest aluminium industry / by Frank B. Fulkerson
(Washington) - U.S. Department of the interior, 1962
Incluso in > Information circular / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
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Fulkerson, Laurel
Chain(ed) mail - Hypermestra and the dual readership of Heroides 14 / Laurel Fulkerson
Incluso in > Transactions of the American philological association
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Full, Harold
Controversy in American education - an anthology of crucial issues / Harold Full
New York - Macmillan ; London - Collier-Macmillan, c1967
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Fullbrook, Kate
Free women - ethics and aesthetics in twentieth-century womens fiction / Kate Fullbrook
New York ; London - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990
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Fuller, Alexandra
La leggenda di Colton H. Bryant - romanzo / Alexandra Fuller ; traduzione di Giovanna Granato
Milano - Mondadori, 2009
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Fuller, Blair
Tra pochi istanti - romanzo / di Blair Fuller
Milano - Longanesi, (1958)
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