Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 2562 di 5334       

Machines textiles americaines - installations completes d'usines - guide-memoire des principales maisons americaines de constructions mecaniques ... / compile par le Textile World Journal
New York - Textile Worl Journal, (s.d.)
Testo Monografico

16- Machining / Joseph R. Davis senior editor ... ed altri
Metals Park - ASM international, 1989
Incluso in > Metals handbook / prepared under the direction of the ASM handbook commitee
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3- Machining / Taylor Lyman, editor ... ed altri
Metals park (Ohio) - American society for metals, c1967
Incluso in > Metals handbook / prepared under the direction of the ASM handbook commitee
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Machining with carbides and oxides - a comprehensive work covering the tool materials, machinability, planning, operations, and economics associated... / prepared under the supervision of National technical publications committee, American Society of tool and manufacturing engineers, Frank W. Wilson
New York (etc) - McGraw-Hill, 1962
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Mackintosh & his contemporaries in Europe and America / general editor Patrick Nuttgens
London - Murray, 1988
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MacMillan English dictionary - for advanced learners of american english
Oxford - Macmillan Education, 2002
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Macmillan English dictionary - for advanced learners of american english
Oxford - Macmillan education, c2002
Saggio Monografico Multimediale

Macondo - mensile di divulgazione politico culturale della problematica latino-americana
Roma - s.n.
Pubblicazione Periodica

Macons black heritage - the untold story
Macon - Tubman African American Museum, 1997
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Macro-level social justice projects, democratic movements and pedagogy / edited by Rodney D. Coates, Joyce E. Williams
Los Angeles (etc.) - Sage, 2007
Incluso in > American behavioral scientist
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Macro-micro linkages in sociology / Joan Huber, editor
Newbury Park etc. - Sage, 1991
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The macroeconomics of populism in Latin America / edited by Rudiger Dornbusch and Sebastian Edwards
Chicago ; London - the University of Chicago press, 1991
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The macroeconomy of Central America / edited by Robert Rennhack and Erik Offerdal
Houndmills ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
Testo Monografico

2. partie- Les macrolepidopteres de la faune americaine. Tome 6- Les bombyx et les sphinx americains
Incluso in > Les macrolepidopteres du globe - revision systematique des macrolepidopteres connus jusqu'a ce jour / publiee avec le concours des specialistes les plus renommes par le prof. dr. Adalbert Seitz
Testo Monografico

2. partie- Les macrolepidopteres de la region americaine. Tome 5- Diurnes americains
Paris - Le Moult, 1926
Incluso in > Les macrolepidopteres du globe - revision systematique des macrolepidopteres connus jusqu'a ce jour / publiee avec le concours des specialistes les plus renommes par le prof. dr. Adalbert Seitz
Testo Monografico