Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 215 di 5334       

1986 directory of chemical producers United States of America
Menlo Park, Ca - SRI international, c1986
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1986-1987 term, 1
Chicago - Commerce clearing house
Incluso in > U.S. Supreme court bullettin. Transfer binder
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1986-1987 term, 2
Chicago - Commerce clearing house
Incluso in > U.S. Supreme court bullettin. Transfer binder
Testo Monografico

1986-87- A subject bibliography of articles / Cecelia J. Dadian, James J. Dougherty and Arnold H. Price
New York - Kraus, 1987
Incluso in > Writings on American history
Testo Monografico

Washington - American chemical society, c1987
Incluso in > ACS Directory of Graduate Research - Faculties, publications and doctoral theses in Departements or divisions of chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical and or medicinal che...
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1987 - an encyclopedie of the events of 1986
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1987
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
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The 1987 art faculty exhibition / catalogue and exhibition by John Peters-Campbell
College Park - The University of Maryland College Park, ©1987
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1987 Ashrae handbook - Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems and applications
Atlanta - American society of heating, refrigerating and air conditioning engineers, c1987
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1987 Britannica Book of the Year
Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, cop. 1987
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Madrid - Espasa-Calpe, ©1991
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana - suplemento s anual es
Testo Monografico

1987-1988 term, 1
Chicago - Commerce clearing house
Incluso in > U.S. Supreme court bullettin. Transfer binder
Testo Monografico

1987-1988 term, 2
Chicago - Commerce clearing house
Incluso in > U.S. Supreme court bullettin. Transfer binder
Testo Monografico

1987-88- A subject bibliography of articles / Cecelia J. Dadian, James J. Dougherty and Arnold H. Price
New York - Kraus, 1989
Incluso in > Writings on American history
Testo Monografico

1988 - an encyclopedie of the events of 1987
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1988
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
Testo Monografico

1988 Britannica Book of the Year
Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, cop. 1988
Testo Monografico