Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 213 di 5334       

Washington - American chemical society, c1981
Incluso in > ACS Directory of Graduate Research - Faculties, publications and doctoral theses in Departements or divisions of chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical and or medicinal che...
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1981 - an encyclopedie of the events of 1980
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1981
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
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1981 General index.
Incluso in > Corpus juris secundum - a complete restatement of the entire American law as developed by all reported cases / by William Mack and Donald J. Kiser ; assisted by the combined editorial staffs of the A...
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Madrid - Espasa-Calpe, ©1985
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana - suplemento s anual es
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1981-82- A subject bibliography of articles / Cecelia J. Dadian, James J. Dougherty and Arnold H. Price
New York - Kraus, 1983
Incluso in > Writings on American history
Testo Monografico

1982 - an encyclopedie of the events of 1981
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1982
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
Testo Monografico

1982-83- A subject bibliography of articles / Cecelia J. Dadian, James J. Dougherty and Arnold H. Price
New York - Kraus, 1984
Incluso in > Writings on American history
Testo Monografico

Washington - American chemical society, c1983
Incluso in > ACS Directory of Graduate Research - Faculties, publications and doctoral theses in Departements or divisions of chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical and or medicinal che...
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1983 code cases.
Incluso in > ASME boiler and pressure vessel code - an American national standard / ASME boiler and pressure vessel committee
Testo Monografico

Madrid - Espasa-Calpe, ©1987
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana - suplemento s anual es
Testo Monografico

1983-84- A subject bibliography of articles / Cecelia J. Dadian, James J. Dougherty and Arnold H. Price
New York - Kraus, 1985
Incluso in > Writings on American history
Testo Monografico

1983- an encyclopedie of the events of 1982
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1983
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
Testo Monografico

1984 - an encyclopedie of the events of 1983
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Grolier, 1984
Incluso in > The Americana annual - yearbook of the encyclopedia americana
Testo Monografico

1984 revisited - prospects for American politics / edited by Robert Paul Wolff ; original essays by Todd Gitlin ... (ed altri)
New York - Knopf, c1973
Testo Monografico

1984 Supplement to the fifth editions of Constitutional law - case, comments, questions. The American constitution - cases and materials. Constitutional rights & liberties - cases and materials / by William B. Lockhart ... (ed altri)
St.Paul, Minn. - West Publishing Co., 1984
Testo Monografico