Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 540 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

European expansion and law - the encounter of european and indigenous law in 19th and 20th Century Africa and Asia / edited by W.J. Mommsen and J.A. De Moor
Oxford (etc.) - Berg, 1992
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European expansion and migration - essays on the intercontinental migration from Africa, Asia, and Europe / edited by P. C. Emmer and M. Mörner
New York ; Oxford - Berg, 1992
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1- European expansion, 1535-1914
New Haven and London - Yale university press, 1975
Incluso in > The Middle East and North Africa in world politics - a documentary record / compiled, translated, and edited by J.C. Hurewitz
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The european horticulture market - opportunities for Sub-Saharan African exporters / edited by Patrick Labaste
Washington - The World Bank, (2005
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European imperialism and the partition of Africa / edited by E. F. Penrose
London - F. Cass, 1975
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European intruders and changes in behaviour and customs in Africa, America and Asia before 1800 / edited by Murdo J. MacLeod and Evelyn S. Rawski
Brookfield - Ashgate, 1998
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European late Pleistocene. Isotope stages 2 and 3- humans, their ecology & cultural adaptions - INQUA congress in Durban, South Africa, 3-11 August 1999 - proceedings of a conference held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 5 September 1998 / (International Union for Quaternary Research, Committee on Human Evolution & Paleoecology ; edited by Pierre M. Vermeersch ... ed altri)
Liege - Univ. de Liege, 1999
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European rule in Africa / A. J. Hanna
(London)- Historical Association, 1961
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European sources for sub-saharan Africa before 1900 - use and abuse / edited by Beatrix Heintze and Adam Jones
Stuttgart - Franz Steiner, 1987
Incluso in > Paideuma - Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde
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European sources for subsaharan Africa before 1900- use and abuse / edited by Beatrix Heintze and Adam Jones
Frankfurt am Mein - Frobenius, c1987
Incluso in > Paideuma - Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde
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The European Union and democracy promotion - the case of North Africa / edited by Richard Gillespie and Richard Youngs
London ; Portland (Or.) - F. Cass, 2002
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European Union strategy for Africa / European Commission, (edited by Louis Michel)
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2006
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European-language writing in sub-Saharan Africa / edited by Albert S. Gerard
Budapest - Akademiai Kiado
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Europeans in West Africa, 1450-1560 - documents to illustrate the nature and scope of Portuguese enterprise in West Africa, the abortive attempt of Castilians to create an empire there, and the early English voyages to Barbary and Guinea / translated and edited by John William Blake
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1967
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Europlex / Ursula Biemann, Angela Sanders
Zurigo - U. Biemann - A. Sanders, ©2003