Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2004 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3171 di 4666       

Murray, Martine
Storia quasi vera di una tredicenne... che voleva vivere una vita insolita / Martine Murray ; traduzione di Paolo Antonio Livorati
Milano - Mondadori, 2004
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Murray, Michael
Equity, diversity and interdependence - reconnecting governance and people through authentic dialogue / Michael Murray and Brendan Murtagh
Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, c2004
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Murray, Paul
An evening of long goodbyes / Paul Murray
London - Penguin books, 2004
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Murray, Paul
From the shadow of Dracula - a life of Bram Stoker / Paul Murray
London - Cape, 2004
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Murray, Peter
The saga of Sydney Opera House - the dramatic story of the design and construction of the icon of modern Australia / by Peter Murray
London ; New York - Spon Press, 2004
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Murray, Peter L.
German civil justice / Peter L. Murray, Rolf Stürner
Durham (N.C.) - Carolina Academic Press, (2004)
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Murray, Rachel
Human rights in Africa - from the OAU to the African union / Rachel Murray - Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2004
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Murray, Robert (gesuita ; 1925- )
Symbols of Church and Kingdom - a study in early Syriac tradition / Robert Murray
London (etc.) - T&T Clark international, 2004
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Murray, Robert (gesuita ; 1925- )
Symbols of Church and Kingdom - a study in early Syriac tradition / Robert Murray
Piscataway, NJ - Gorgias Press, 2004
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Murray, Stephen
A Gothic sermon - making a contract with the mother of God, Saint Mary of miens / Stephen Murray
Berkeley, Calif.; London - University of California Press, 2004
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Murri, Augusto
Dizionario di metodologia clinica / Augusto Murri ; a cura di Massimo Baldini, Antonello Malavasi ; presentazione di Girolamo Sirchia
Roma - A. Delfino, °2004 , stampa 2003
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Murri, Filippo
I quattro Santi Patroni de L'Aquila / Filippo Murri
L'Aquila - ISSRA, 2004
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Murri, Romolo
La vita religiosa nel cristianesimo - discorsi / R. Murri
Roma - Società Nazionale di Cultura, 1905-
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Murri, Serafino
Krzysztof Kieslowski / Serafino Murri
Milano - Il castoro, (2004)
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Murroni, Cristina
ICT and Local Development - a Case Study of the Metropolitan Area of Cagliari / Cristina Murroni
Cagliari - CUEC, 2004
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