Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2004 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 934 di 4666       

Goldberg, John C. P.
Tort law - responsibilities and redress / John C. P. Goldberg, Anthony J. Sebok, Benjamin C. Zipursky
New York - Aspen, c2004
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Goldberg, Leonard S.
Il caso dell'uomo senza volto / Leonard S. Goldberg ; traduzione di Bruno Amato
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Polillo, 2004
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Goldberg, Leonard S.
Delitto per immagini / Leonard S. Goldberg ; traduzione di Bruno Amato
Milano - Polillo, 2004
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Goldberg, Mariano
Guia de edificaciones contemporaneas en Venezuela / trabajo de Ascenso en el Escalafon universitario presentado por Mariano Goldberg
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Facultad de Arquitectura y urbanismo Universidad Central de Venezuela, stampa 1982-
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Goldberg, Roselee
Performance - live art since the 60s / RosaLee Goldberg ; (foreword by Laurie Anderson)
London - Thames & Hudson, 2004
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Goldberg, Sylvie Anne
La clepsydre 2. - temps de Jerusalem, temps de Babylone / Sylvie Anne Goldberg
Paris - A. Michel, c2004
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Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan
The limits to union - same-sex marriage and the politics of civil rights / Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Press, 2004
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Goldberger, Marvin L.
Collision theory / by Marvin L. Goldberger, Kenneth M. Watson
Mineoloa (N.Y.) - Dover, 2004
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Goldberger, Paul
Up from Zero - Politics, Architecture, and the Rebuilding of New York / PauL Goldberger
New York - Random House, 2004
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Goldbrunner, Lothar
Buchis - eine Untersuchung zur Theologie des heiligen Stieres in Theben zur griechisch-roemischen Zeit
Brepols - Turnhout, 2004
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Golden, Mark
Sport in the ancient world from A to Z / Mark Golden
London (etc.) - Routledge, (2004)
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Golden, Miriam A.
International economic sources of regime change - how European integration undermined Italy's postwar party system / Miriam A. Golden
Madrid - Instituto Juan March de estudios e investigaciones, 2004
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Goldenbaum, Ursula
Appell an das Publikum - die offentliche Debatte in der detuschen Aufklarung 1687-1796 / Ursula Goldenbaum ; mit Beitragen von Frank Grunert ... °ed altri
Berlin - Akademie Verlag, c2004
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Goldfarb, Charles F.
XML handbook / Charles F. Goldfarb, Paul Prescod
Upper Saddle River - Prentice Hall PTR, 2004
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Goldfarb, Charles F.
XML in Office 2003 - information sharing with desktop XML / Charles F. Goldfarb, Priscilla Walmsley
Upper Saddle River - Prentice Hall-PTR, c2004
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