Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1995 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2278 di 4744       

Phillips, Gene D.
Conrad and cinema - the art of adaptation / Gene D. Phillips
New York etc. - P. Lang, c1995
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Phillips, Jayne Anne
Shelter / Jayne Alter Phillips
London - Faber and Faber, 1995
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Phillips, Jeremy
Introduction to intellectual property law / Jeremy Phillips, Alison Firth
London - Butterworths, 1995
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Phillips, John
Italian films - il dopoguerra / (fotografie di) John Phillips ; introduzione di Italo Zannier
Spilimbergo (PN) - CRAF, stampa 1995
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Phillips, John (fotografo ; 1914-1996)
John Phillips - italian films. Il dopoguerra / introduzione di Italo Zannier
Pordenone - Edizioni biblioteca dell'immagine ; Spilimbergo - CRAF, stampa 1995
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Phillips, Lisa
Beat culture and the new America - 1950-1965 / Lisa Phillips ; with contributions by Maurice Berger ... ed altri
New York - Whitney Museum of American Art ; Paris - Flammarion, c1995
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Phillips, Roger
A photographic garden history / Roger Phillips & Nicky Foy ; layout Jill Bryan
New York - Random House, c1995
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Phillips, Ruth B.
Representing woman - Sande masquerades of the Mende of Sierra Leone / Ruth B. Phillips
Los Angeles, Calif. - UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, c1995
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Phillips, Stephen H.
Classical Indian metaphysics - refutations of realism and the emergence of new logic / Stephen H. Phillips
Chicago ; La Salle - Open court, 1995
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Phillips, Sue
Il giardino fai da te - 60 progetti facili da realizzare / Sue Phillips
Novara - Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1995
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Phillips, Sue
Il giardino fai-da-te - 60 progetti facili da realizzare / Sue Phillips
Novara - Istituto geografico De Agostini, 1995
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Phillips, Sylvia
Volume 7- Poaceae (Gramineae) / by Sylvia Phillips ; editors- Inga Hedberg & Sue Edwards
Addis Ababa - Addis Ababa University ; Uppsala - Uppsala University, 1995
Incluso in > Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea / editors- Inga Hedberg & Sue Edwards
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Phillpotts, Eden
La camera grigia / Eden Phillpotts
Ed. integrale
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Phillpotts, Eden
La camera grigia / Eden Phillpotts
Roma - Compagnia del giallo, 1995
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Philo - Alexandrinus
Midrasei Filon - ve-hem midrasei ha-Tora min ha-qedumin be-yoter niktavo be-Aleksandriya bi-tequfat bait seni lifnei /arikat ha-Misna u-midrasei ha-Tana/im - kolel liqutim mi-Sefer 'Se/lot u-tesuvot' u-se/ar kitvei Filon, meturgamim le-/Ivrit me-Armenit u-mi-yevanit - /im be/urim ve-hasva/ot le-sifrut Hazal / /al-yidei Semu/el Belkin - ne/erku El/azar Hurviz
New York - Hoza/at Yesiva-Universita, 1989-
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