Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1991 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2521 di 4667       

Elliot, John
Elliot's guide to films on video / John Elliot
London - Boxtree, 1991
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Elliot, Patricia
From mastery to analysis - theories of gender in psychoanalytic feminism / Patricia Elliot
Ithaca ; London - Cornell University press, c1991
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Elliot, Robert
Views in the East - comprising India, Canton and the shores of the Red sea / with historical and descriptive illustrations by captain Robert Elliot
London - H. Fisher & co., 1833
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Elliott, A. N.
Automotive applications of polymers II / A. N. Elliott
Oxford - Pergamon, 1991
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Elliott, Chris
Tropical forest conservation / by Chris Elliot ; editor Lesa Griffith
Gland, Switzerland - WWF International, 1991
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Elliott, John
Action research for educational change / John Elliott
Milton Keynes ; Philadelphia - Open University Press, 1991
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Elliott, John Huxtable
El Conde-Duque de Olivares - el politico en una epoca de decadencia / J.H. Elliott ; traduccion castellana de Teofilo de Lozoya ; revision de Antonio Feros y el autor
Barcelona - Editorial critica, 1991
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Elliott, John Huxtable
Il miraggio dell'Impero - Olivares e la Spagna- dall'apogeo alla decadenza / John H. Elliott ; edizione italiana a cura di Paola Moretti ; introduzione di Giuseppe Galasso
Roma - Salerno, 1991
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Elliott, John Huxtable
Richelieu et Olivares / John H. Elliot ; traduit de l'anglais par Francoise Kearns-Faure ; preface de Pierre Chaunu
Paris - PUF, 1991
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Elliott, Robert F.
Labor economics - a comparative text / Robert F. Elliott
London - McGraw-Hill, c1991
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Elliott, Robin
L' ultimo paradiso / Robin Elliot
Milano - Harlequin Mondadori, 1991
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Elliott, William I.
Doers of the word - selected poems 1960-1990 / William I. Elliott
Portland, Oregon - Prescott street press, ©1991
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Ellis, Alexander J.
On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, containing an investigation of the correspondence of writing with speech in England etc. , including a re-arrangement of Prof. F. J. Childs memoirs etc. / by Alexander J. Ellis
New York - Greenwood Press, 1968-
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Ellis, Bret Easton
American psycho / a novel by Bret Easton Ellis
London - Picador, c1991
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Ellis, Bret Easton
American psycho / Bret Easton Ellis
Milano - Bompiani, 1991
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