Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1989 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 187 di 4667       

Boorstin, Daniel J.
Hidden history / Daniel J. Boorstin ; selected and edited by Daniel J. Boorstin and Ruth F. Boorstin
New York - Vintage Books, 1989
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Boorstin, Daniel J.
The republic of letters - librarian of Congress Daniel J. Boorstin on books, reading, and libraries - 1975-1987 / edited by John Y. Cole
Washington - Library of Congress, 1989
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Boorstyn, Neil
Copyright law - cumulative supplement / Neil Boorstyn
Rochester, NY - The lawyers co-operative publishing co., 1989
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Boos, Charles
Des origines lointaines de la cooperation scolaire a l'Office central de la cooperation a l'ecole / Charles Boos ; preface de Georges Prevot
°Francia - s.n., 1965 (Paris - Impr. Lahure)
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Booth, Alan
British economic policy, 1931-49 - was there a Keynesian revolution? / Alan Booth
New York etc. - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989
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Booth, Barbara
Thesaurus of sociological indexing terms / Barbara Booth and Michael Blair
San Diego - Sociological abstracts, 1989
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Booth, Edward
Saint Augustine and the western tradition of self-knowing / Edward Booth
Villanova - Villanova university press, 1989
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Booth, Martin
Black Chameleon / Martin Booth
London - Arrow Books, 1989
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Booth, Pat
Beverly hills / Pat Booth
New York - Crown publishers, c1989
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Booth, Pat
Sisters / Pat Booth
Trezzano sul Naviglio - Euroclub, 1989
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Booth, Paul A.
An introduction to human-computer interaction / Paul A. Booth
Hove - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, copyr. 1989
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Boothe Luce, Clare
L' Europa e l'America / di Clare Boothe Luce
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Boothroyd, Geoffrey
Fundamentals of machining and machine tools / / Geoffrey Boothroyd, Winston A. Knight
New York ; Basel - Dekker, 1989
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Bopp, Franz
Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litthauischen, Gotischen und Deutschen / von Franz Bopp
Berlin - Dummler, 1833-
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Bopp, Linus
Predicazione liturgica...
Torino - Elle Di Ci, 1964- .
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