Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4198 di 5000       

Hauthuille, Alban d'
Les courses des chevaux / Alban d' Hauthuille
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Havas, Laszlo
From Plato to the Greek renaissance / by Laszlo Havas
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1982)
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Havel, Václav
Gli ostaggi sono fuggiti - lettere dalle carceri cecoslovacche / di Vaclav Havel, Vaclav Benda, Frantisek Lizna
Bologna - Centro studi Europa orientale, 1982
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Havelock, Eric A.
The literate revolution in Greece and its cultural consequences / Eric A. Havelock
Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton University press, c1982
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Havemann, Robert
Domani - la societa contemporanea al bivio- distruzione o utopia / Robert Havemann
Bari - De Donato, ©1982
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Havens, Raymond Dexter
The mind of a poet
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967- .
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Havens, Thomas Robert Hamilton
Artist and patron in postwar Japan - dance, music, theater, and the visual arts, 1955-1980 / Thomas R. H. Havens
Princeton - Princeton University, ©1982
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Haverkamp Begemann, Egbert
Rembrandt - the Nightwatch / E. Haverkamp-Begemann
Princeton (New Jersey - Princeton University press, c1982
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Havez, B.
La pirografia - arte e tecnica / B. Havez, J. C. Varlet
Milano - Il castello, 1982 ?
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Havighurst, Clark C.
Deregulating the health care industry - planning for competition / Clark C. Havighurst
Cambridge - Ballinger, 1982
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Haviland, Robert P.
Build your own minimum-cost solar heating system / By Robert P. Haviland
Blue Ridge Summit, PA - Tab Books, c1982
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Havrilesky, Thomas
Money supply, money demand, and macroeconomic models / Thomas M. Havrilesky, John T. Boorman
Arlington Heights, Ill. - H. Davidson, c1982
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Hawel, Peter
Klöster - wie sie wurden, wie sie aussahen und wie man in ihnen lebte / Peter Hawel
München ; Zürich - Knaur, 1982
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Hawes, Louis
Presences of nature - British landscape, 1780-1830 / Louis Hawes
New Haven - Yale Center for british art, 1982
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Hawken, Paul
Seven tomorrows - toward a voluntary history / Paul Hawken, James Ogilvy, Peter Schwartz
Toronto (etc. - Bantam Books, 1982
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